Safety Policy Statement
Each of our employees is an essential ingredient to the success and growth of Precision Geophysical Inc. We are proud of our employees and the effort they make to ensure the continued success of the company. The loyalty of our employees is critical to the well-being of the company. Therefore, the safety of our employees is a primary concern of management. We are committed to providing a safe working environment for our employees. With that in mind the following management commitment is made to prevent unnecessary injuries to our employees.
Employee Commitment to Safety
It is the sincere wish of Precision Geophysical, Inc. to provide the safest establishment and conditions possible for all our employees. Safety, however, is a joint responsibility of management and employees, and each must do their part to ensure the success of the program. A good safety program does not happen by accident, it happens because we all work together each day to make it happen. As outlined in the Safety Policy Statement, the prevention of employee injuries is of the utmost importance to management and a key ingredient to the continued success and growth of the company. Each member of the management team urges you to join wholeheartedly in this effort. With your help, the majority of injuries can be prevented. Please read the safety policy guidelines carefully. Ask questions if you are not sure of a proper procedure. Don't take shortcuts or unnecessary chances. Be alert to the unexpected and the actions of other employees. Report unsafe conditions immediately and lead by example. It may take a little extra time at first to think of a safe way to do a job, but this effort will pay off for everyone in reducing employee accidents and injuries. The success of the safety program depends on the degree to which each of us fulfills our safety responsibilities. Everyone individually has an impact on the success of the program. The safety program will only be as successful as our efforts to adhere to the safe policies and guidelines. Remember, we make decisions that affect our individual safety all the time. When making those decisions, please choose the safe, right way instead of the easy, most convenient way. Management is committed to this effort, let each of us join in with that commitment and make Precision Geophysical, Inc. the safest possible place to work.
1.1 Safety Policy Statement
1.2 Employee Commitment To Safety
1.3 Management Safety Responsibilities
1.4 Safety Coordinator Responsibilities
1.5 Employee Responsibilities
1.6 Reporting And Correcting Unsafe Conditions
1.7 Safe Work Rules And Practices
1.8 Positive Counseling
1.9 Correcting Unsafe Behavior
1.10 Transitional Duty Policy
1.11 Sub-Contractor Safety Policy/Sign-Off Form
2.1 Safety Training Guidelines
2.2 How To Train
2.3 How To Conduct A Tool Box Safety Meeting
2.4 Tool Box Safety Meeting Sign-Off Form
2.5 New Employee Safety Training Check-Off Form
2.6 Site Specific Safety Training Check-Off Form
2.7 Training Matrix
3.1 Planning
3.2 Training
3.3 Workplace Hazards
3.4 Conducting Tasks
3.5 Supervising and Managing for Workplace Safety and Health
3.6 Regulatory and Contractual Requirements
3.7 Emergency Response
3.8 Permitting
3.9 Community Relations
3.10 Pipelines
3.11 Communications
3.11.1 Radios
3.11.2 Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and HSE
3.12 Auditing
3.13 Surveying
3.13.1 Brush/ Line Cutting
3.13.2 Chain Saw Operations
3.13.3 Bridging
3.14 Recording Operations
3.15 Lightning Protection
3.16 Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT)
3.16.1 Batteries Lead-acid batteries Lithium Batteries
3.16.2 Hydrogen Sulfide(H2S) Hazards and Characteristics Detection
3.17 Cold Weather Operations and Survival
3.17.1 General
3.17.2 Personal Protection
3.17.3 Foods and liquids
3.17.4 Personal Hygiene
3.17.5 Adequate Shelter
3.17.6 Ice Safety
3.17.7 Frostbite
3.17.8 Trench Foot
3.18 24 - Hour Operations
3.18.1 Land Night Operations
3.18.2 Road Operations
4.1 Drilling Operations
4.1.1 Planning & Set Up
4.1:2 Maintenance Checks:
4.1.3 Personal Safety, Safety Equipment:
4.1.4 During Drilling / Ramming:
4.1.5 Hole Loading, Explosives:
4.1.6 Shot Point Completion and Clean Up
4.2 Instructions For Specific Rig Types
4.2.1 Truck Drills and Buggy Drills
4.2.2 Portable Drills and Mini Hole Drills
4.2.3 Marsh Buggy Drills
4.2.4 Ramming Rigs
5.1 Explosives
5.1.1 General.
5.1.2 Transportation of Explosive Material (Not Including Aircraft)
5.1.3 Storage of Explosive Material 5.1.4 Use and Handling of Explosive Material
5.1.5 Shot Firing
5.1.6 Land Surface Shooting
5.2 Surface Energy Sources
5.2.1 Vibrioses
5.2.2 Land Air Gun
6.1 General
6.2 Journey Management
6.3 Fueling Operations-- Vehicles